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On Air
Mon - Sat: 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Public Service Announcements

Public Service Announcements are a community service provided by KHKX-FM. Public service announcements run in the form of pre-recorded announcements, community calendar announcements, and/or live read scripts. All events must be submitted by an organization that qualifies as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Service Tax Code 501(c)3.

Pre-recorded public service announcements are recorded for issues and events that help and or provide a social service and or educational information for the improvement of any particular segment of society. PSAs are also produced for events that collect an entrance fee for admission that will benefit a particular cause.

Public service announcements run anywhere from one to two weeks preceding an event. As soon as you are aware that your nonprofit organization is sponsoring an event, please contact us via the form below. Or mail to:

Community Affairs
P.O. Box 9400
Midland, Texas 79708

